Pulpitis is an inflammation of the tooth's soft tissue, the pulp, which is caused by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. Severe pain can be seen both because of thermal, mechanical, and autogenous stimuli. Pulpitis is often caused by caries and can also result from a doctor's slip - low-quality filling or use of various chemicals. Pulpitis sometimes can...
The direction of the toothbrush movement should be vertical, as if sweeping, from the gum to the cutting edge of the tooth. Why not horizontal or circular...
Periodontitis is an inflammatory destructive disease that results in the formation of gingival pockets, which can lead to tooth loss. The pockets can be of different depths, with granulation and abscesses. The manifestation of periodontitis depends...
The inlays are a type of micro prosthesis, prepared in a technical laboratory, from pressed ceramics. This method is often used when the pulp (nerve) is healthy but still there is...